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Why ‘Fad Diets’ Don’t Work

Why ‘Fad Diets’ Don’t Work

Why ‘Fad Diets’ Don’t Work

The Internet has contributed immensely to the popularity of many fad diets, but it has also made it easier for us to obtain more accurate information and debunk many of those diet plans. Fad diets can easily mislead us, especially when we are desperate to lose weight and famous celebrities endorse them. When reports on fad diets fill our social media feeds, it’s hard to ignore them, but because they are often based on myths, misconceptions, and misleading assumptions, we need to stay away.

With That in Mind, We Are Going to Take a Look at Some Reasons Why They Don’t Work:

Too Restrictive- fad diets can be very restrictive to adopt for a long period of time. It may require the elimination of an entire food group. Some diets completely restrict fats or carbohydrates and the elimination of any macronutrient in our diet can increase cravings. Carbs and fat are also essential for our basic metabolic functions.

Expensive- some fad diets are simply money-making scams and they don’t work at all. Both your body and wallet can suffer if you choose the wrong type of diet. You should be suspicious if a diet requires you to buy certain supplements or organic ingredients.

Unsustainable- fad diets are not sustainable, because you need to take more extreme steps to successfully lose weight. Failure with fad diets can affect your mental health and it will hurt your motivation, especially if you were convinced about their potential results. A good diet program is designed to last long enough to deliver permanent results.

Weight Gain- a restrictive fad diet may initially cause you to lose weight quickly, but it’s just a temporary illusion. It is common for people to experience weight gain as a side effect of their fad diet. Because fad diets are not sustainable, you could gain more weight than before when you return to your regular eating patterns.

Slow Metabolism- when your body is being deprived of calories and macronutrients, it will enter into starvation mode. Your metabolism will slow down to save energy, because your body thinks that you are being starved of food. This may cause a loss of muscle mass, which further reduces your basal metabolism. This means that fad diets sabotage your weight loss goals making it more difficult to lose weight.

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