Are you thinking of enhancing your smile anytime soon? Then one should meet an orthodontist for cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is at its peak. A cosmetic dentist can get back your smile, which you always dreamt of having. But it is essential to meet a dentist regularly to take care […]

Cosmetic dentistry is professional oral care that concentrates on enhancing the appearance of your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry procedures are not essential for all can get it by your choice. If you have stained, discolored, chipped, broken, misaligned gaps between your teeth, then cosmetic dentistry can get your smile back. A […]

What Is Invisalign? Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth. It is a customized clear brace that protects your teeth and gently gives teeth a proper position over time. As they are clear they are less noticeable. Most people want to improve their smile but think that traditional metal […]

Do you visit the dentist at least twice a year? It’s necessary to see a  for checkups and cleanings of your teeth. We all know the importance of our teeth, so meeting a dentist is also equally important. First, you need to meet a dentist and later an orthodontist. These […]

Are you looking for a dentist near you? If you are looking for dental partner, make sure you find the right dentist. But it is not as simple. It takes a good amount of time and effort to find the best dentist. Choosing the right dentist is essential for you […]

Have you experienced a tooth loss problem? Do you feel embarrassed about missing a tooth? If any missing tooth is visible, that can ruin your smile and make you feel low. A missing tooth can harm your oral health and your day-to-day activities if not treated. Missing teeth can be […]

Do you feel shy using traditional braces? Do you feel awkward using these braces? Braces are for teenagers and young adults. It was rare to see any adult using braces. Well, many of us grew up in a family where they could not afford braces or even did not appreciate […]

Do you feel irritation inside while talking or eating your food? Check out if you have developed a painful sore inside your mouth? These are called mouth ulcers. It is a very regular red lesion that injures the inner soft tissues in the mouth. However, mouth ulcers heal on their […]

I am new to SQL. I want to find the peak and valleys in a timeseries data. I have a clickhouse DB and I can pull data into python where I can process this as mentioned in argrelextrema explained However I am looking for a solution in SQL so I don’t […]