What Cosmetic Dental Treatment Do You Need?

Cosmetic dentistry is professional oral care that concentrates on enhancing the appearance of your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry procedures are not essential for all can get it by your choice. If you have stained, discolored, chipped, broken, misaligned gaps between your teeth, then cosmetic dentistry can get your smile back. A smile makeover improves the appearance of your smile through cosmetic dentistry methods. Thus, cosmetic dentists work with you to create a treatment plan. Learn more about the various type of cosmetic dental procedures available to improve your smile. Cosmetic dentistry is on the rise. A dentist can change teeth to give the smile they want. There are many common cosmetic dental treatments available, but this article will help you choose the right one for your needs.

7 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

1.Teeth Whitening:

Teeth whitening is one of the most comfortable and inexpensive treatments to sweeten your smile. You can get your teeth bleached with products in your dental clinic, or even you can get it done even at home. Whitening products now is available over the counter at retail stores for convenience for at-home treatment. Products such as whitening toothpaste, rinses, and Whitestrips you can use, but we advise that one must consult with a dentist before going for any home treatment.

2.Dental Veneers:

Dental veneers are custom-made shells of tooth-colored porcelain that cover the front surface of the teeth. Well, after removing a half-millimeter of enamel from the tooth surface, the thin shells are cemented to the front of the teeth. Veneers are usually called Hollywood teeth.

3.Dental Bonding:

In dental bonding, a tooth-colored resin which is a stable plastic material is applied to the tooth to be solidified with ultraviolet or laser light. The dentist generally trims, shapes, and polishes the teeth. Bonding can restore chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth. It is one of the proper cosmetic alternatives to replace teeth. The time taken for the bonding procedure is about 30 to 60 minutes.

4.Inlays and Onlays:

This dentistry procedure is also known as indirect fillings. They use filling when a tooth has mild to moderate decay. Provided there is no harm to the tooth point an inlay is placed straight onto the tooth surface. However, when the cusp of a substantial portion of the tooth is damaged, your dentist may use an onlay to cover the tooth’s surface. Inlays and Onlays were used to be made of gold but typically in a dental laboratory. This treatment supplies support to strengthen teeth, restore their shape, and avoid any further decay or damage of the teeth.


Dental implants replace lost or damaged teeth. The dentist inserts a small titanium screw into the jaw, which acts as the support for a crown. These implants are almost unnoticeable from the surrounding natural teeth. Once the bone and supporting tissue fuse to the implant, they are forever secured into place. Patients need to practice active oral hygiene during the implant placement period. Also should keep in mind after the implant process is finished plaque and food debris should be avoided to enter the area.

5 Most Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures - Dr. Fitzgerald

6.Dental Crown:

A dental crown is known as a cap. It fits over and replaces the entire damaged tooth above the gum line, and it helps to fix its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns keep a fragile tooth from breaking and hold a cracked tooth jointly. Crowns can be made from porcelain, resin, or ceramic materials.

7.Cosmetic Teeth Shaping:

It is also called enamel shaping. The dentist can reshape the tooth by filing and extracting some of the enamel. This process is usually not painful, and you can get immediate results. Shaping is an adequate and highly demanded cosmetic dental procedure. This process is completed on a poorly shaped tooth, which is filled using an electric device, and however, reshaping is done by pulling enamel.

If you are pondering on cosmetic dental work, remember that confidence in your smile is invaluable. And if you lack confidence in your teeth due to damaged, stained, or misshapen teeth, then cosmetic dentistry procedures can do miracle treatment. Cosmetic dental practices have become a widely used option for people to appear perfect. However, these procedures should be done only by talented cosmetic dentists. If you need to get your cosmetic treatment done, our dentists can be the best choice for the treatment. These dentists will carefully inspect your teeth before telling you anything.

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What Treatments Can A Cosmetic Dentist Carry Out?

Tue Feb 22 , 2022
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